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Your app contains an Intent Redirection vulnerability

I launched a game to the Google Play store recently and it was going good until now. I just received an email from Google that says that "One or more of your apps contains an Intent Redirection vulnerability that puts user data at risk " and tells me I need to fix it by August 13.

I personally don't collect or demand any user data or info. However, I used Google Admob ads with Facebook mediation and Unity ads in my game which may be the cause of this problem. So, my question is how to overcome this problem? They also said in the email to make changes in the manifest file. If any one has a similar problem and knows the solution for it, your help would be appreciated.

Here is the email:

"One or more of your apps contains an Intent Redirection vulnerability that puts user data at risk. On August 13, 2019, any apps that contain unfixed security vulnerabilities beyond the dates listed on your Play Console alerts will be removed from Google Play.

Action required

Sign in to your Play Console. Select Alerts to see which apps contain a security vulnerability, and review the guidance on how to resolve the vulnerability. Update your affected apps to fix the vulnerabilities. Submit the updated versions of your affected apps. Upon resubmission, your app will be reviewed again. This process can take several hours. If the app passes review and is published successfully then no further action is required. If the app fails review then the new app version will not be published and you will receive notification via email."

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Ihsan Ali Avatar asked May 16 '19 20:05

Ihsan Ali

People also ask

What potential vulnerabilities could implicit intent bring up?

Creating an implicit intent wrapped under a PendingIntent is a security vulnerability that might lead to denial-of-service, private data theft, and privilege escalation.

What is intent injection?

Intents are used by internal components to communicate with each other as well as to access exported components of other applications. This allows triggering injection and redirection attacks resulting in leaking private data stored by the app.

1 Answers

There are several points to keep in mind to resolve that issue:

  1. The most confusing: you must rollout affected application fixed APK/AAB to 100% on all tracks where it had place to be. Important note is that among others you must rollout production track release to 100% in order to Google to reconstruct your issue.
  2. In the new version of Play Console there is no way to find out any specific information about the issue so you should email Google Support to ask for details. As a respone you may possibly get obfuscated method or class signature, so you need to deobfuscate it.
  3. Read carefully through official document to address issues and resolve them. Our application got rejected because SMS BroadcastReceiver did not apply any permission restraints.
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Vasilii Shumilov Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09

Vasilii Shumilov