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Your Android SDK is missing , out of date,or is missing templates

I just installed android Studio on my computer (Ubuntu) and I'm getting this problem every time I try to create a new project, problem this that does not allow me to actually start an android studio project. I have seen some solutions on internet which says I should go to Configure->Project Defaults->Project Structure and make some changes there, in the SDKs field, what happens is that the only opition that shows up to me in projecture structure is the field SDK location, I Don't know what else I could do, so I'd like to know if someone can help me, thank you.

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Bruno Braga Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 02:12

Bruno Braga

1 Answers

I just had the same problem as you. The guys at Google are terrible at providing up-to-date documentation. First of all, Android Studio v0.8.14 does NOT come with SDK, even though on the website it says it does. You have to download the stand-alone SDK tools separately from this link. Then just unzip the file to some directory, like ~/Development. Open Android Studio, Configure -> Project Defaults -> Project Structure. There provide the path to SDK (~/Development). It should find SDK and work finally.

Let me know if it works for you.

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Yerke Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 16:12
