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"You don't have an extension for debugging 'JSON with Comments'" warning when debugging VS Code theme

I generated the files necessary for creating a color theme in VS Code. I did this with the generator-code node package.

My file structure is as follows

When I run VS Code's debugger, I get this warning that prevents the debugger from running.

Here are the contents of my launch.json file for reference:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
          "name": "Extension",
          "type": "extensionHost",
          "request": "launch",
          "runtimeExecutable": "${execPath}",
          "args": [
          "outFiles": [

In case you're wondering what I'm expecting to happen when I run the debugger, here's the moment in the tutorial I was following where I ran into this problem.

Edit: Well, I evaded the problem somehow by deleting the files and starting over. I'm not sure what was causing the problem before.

like image 246
Ksoup Avatar asked Jul 17 '21 23:07


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1 Answers

This popup only appears for me when trying to launch the debugger while having the launch.json or tasks.json file open. Switching to one of my test files and launching the debugger fixes it

like image 102
Ethan Fischer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Ethan Fischer