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"You cannot define a mapping item when in a sequence" when running phpunit in symfony

I'm getting the following errors when I try to run phpunit on my symfony project:

$ phpunit -c app

1) [...]\DefaultControllerTest::testIndex
Symfony\Component\Config\Exception\FileLoaderLoadException: Cannot import resource "/srv/http/typeform/app/config/config.yml" from "/srv/http/typeform/app/config/config_dev.yml".


Caused by
Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException: You cannot define a mapping item when in a sequence in "\/srv\/http\/typeform\/app\/config\/config.yml"


It seems that it crash when I call static::createClient();

Here's my config_test.yml

    - { resource: config_dev.yml }
like image 893
Gustavo Chaín Avatar asked May 10 '13 13:05

Gustavo Chaín

1 Answers

The errors you are getting suggest that the app is failing to parse your 'config.yml' because "You cannot define a mapping item when in a sequence".

This means that in a yml file when defining array values you cannot provide both mapping entries in the form "key: value" and sequence entries in the form "- item" - all values must be either one or the other form.

So, this is ok:

  key: value
  key: value

This is also ok:

  - item 
  - item 

This is not ok:

  key: value
  - item 

The errors suggest that there is an occurrence of the last form in your config.yml, although if this is the case it ought to cause problems running your app in the browser and not just under phpunit.

like image 112
redbirdo Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 19:10
