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You cannot combine custom title with other title features

In my application, I'm using ActionBarSherlock library. Also I'm using a custom title bar. Here goes my onCreate:

getWindow().setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE, R.layout.custom_title);

And in my styles.mxl

<style name="MyTheme" parent="Theme.Sherlock">
        <item name="android:background">#ff888888</item>
        <item name="android:windowNoTitle">false</item>
        <item name="android:windowTitleSize">50dp</item>
        <item name="android:windowTitleBackgroundStyle">@style/windowTitleBackgroundStyle</item>
<style name="windowTitleBackgroundStyle">  
  <item name="android:background">#00688B</item>                

In Manifest file i am using MyTheme for the activity.


This code properly works with lower android version (I have tested with GB2.3.5). But when i tested with ICS, its crashing with the Below error: "You cannot combine custom title with other title features" I went thoroughly in StackOVerflow discussions, but unable to resolve the issue. solutions tried: 1) false 2) there is no values-v11 folder

like image 849
basu Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 17:12


1 Answers

I received the same exception.

Here is what I found: In newer versions of Android, the framework will use the Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR feature whenever the Holo theme is selected. The framework throws the exception whenever an app calls setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE) and FEATURE_ACTION_BAR has already been set.

In my case, the styles.xml file in the values-v11 folder was redefining my theme to inherit from android:Theme.Holo. When I attempted to run my app on a Android 3.0 or above - it crashed because Holo uses the ActionBar by default. The fix was simple. Turn the ActionBar off when using Holo. Here is the revised values-v11\styles.xml changes:

<style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.NoActionBar">
    <!-- API 11 theme customizations can go here. -->
like image 170
craigrf Avatar answered Feb 15 '23 22:02
