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You cannot call create unless the parent is saved error when seeding in rails

I'm trying to populate my SQLite3 database with a simple seed file that is supposed to create a bunch o movies entries in the Film table and then create some comments to this movies that are stored in Comments table.

formats = %w(Beta VHS IMAX HD SuperHD 4K DVD BlueRay)
30.times do
  film = Film.create(title: "#{Company.bs}",
                 director: "#{Name.name}",
                 description: Lorem.paragraphs.join("<br/>").html_safe,
                 year: rand(1940..2015),
                 length: rand(20..240),
                 format: formats[rand(formats.length)]
  (rand(0..10)).times do
    film.comments.create( author: "#{Name.name}",
                          title: "#{Company.bs}",
                          content: Lorem.sentences(3).join("<br/>").html_safe,
                          rating: rand(1..5)

Once i execute rake db:seed I inevitably get the error

ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved: You cannot call create unless the parent is saved

and no records are added to either Films or Comments

My film.rb file is

class Film < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :comments

  validates_presence_of :title, :director
  validates_length_of :format, maximum: 5, minimum:3
  validates_numericality_of :year, :length, greater_than:  0
  validates_uniqueness_of :title
  paginates_per 4

The length limit on 'format' raises the error when creating a Film with formats selected from the 'format' list

like image 348
Cristi Avatar asked Mar 06 '15 17:03


1 Answers

ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved: You cannot call create unless the parent is saved

This occurs when you try to save a child association (Comment) but the parent (Film) isn't saved yet.

It seems that film is not saved. Looking at the code, it appears that film = Film.create(...) is failing validations and thus film.comments.create(..) cannot proceed. Without knowing more about which validation is failing, that's all I can say.

I would recommend using create!(...) everywhere in seeds.rb. The bang version will raise an exception if the record isn't valid and help prevent silent failures.

like image 178
messanjah Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09
