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Yii SQL Profiling of AJAX calls

Yii offers a setting that profiles all the SQL calls with the execution time of each (CProfileLogRoute). Except it does not work for ajax calls. How can I access this data?

I am trying to find the bottleneck of an ajax call that opens up a login popup...

On a similar note, does the execution time shown in CProfileLogRoute includes the network trip to the SQL server if any? My database is hosted by Amazon's RDS, and I want to know if that's where the bottleneck is (it seems fine locally).

like image 301
Nathan H Avatar asked Nov 12 '22 18:11

Nathan H

1 Answers

You can try to extend CFileLogRoute in the manner proposed below and enable it in application's configuration like this:

            'levels' => "profile"

In this case all profiled queries will be written to a log file located in protected/runtime directory (overriding of processLogs method is implemented likewise summary report of CProfileWebRoute...unfortunately CProfileWebRoute is derived from CWebLogRoute):

class ProfileLogRoute extends CFileLogRoute
    protected function processLogs($logs)

        $profileStack = array();
        $profileResults = array();
        foreach ($logs as $log)
            if ($log[1] === CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE)
                $message = $log[0];
                if (!strncasecmp($message, 'begin:', 6))
                    $log[0] = substr($message,6);
                    $profileStack[] = $log;
                else if(!strncasecmp($message, 'end:', 4))
                    $token = substr($message,4);
                    if(($last = array_pop($profileStack)) !== null && $last[0] === $token)
                        $info = array(
                            'delta' => $log[3] - $last[3],
                            'category' => $last[2],
                            'time' => $last[3]
                        $this->aggregateResult($token, $info, $profileResults);
                        throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','CProfileLogRoute found a mismatching code block "{token}". Make sure the calls to Yii::beginProfile() and Yii::endProfile() be properly nested.',

        if (!empty($profileResults))
            $now = microtime(true);
            while(($last = array_pop($profileStack)) !== null)
                $info = array(
                    'delta' => $now - $last[3],
                    'category' => $last[2],
                    'time' => $last[3]
                $token = $last[0];
                $this->aggregateResult($token, $info, $profileResults);

            $entries = array_values($profileResults);
            $func = create_function('$a,$b','return $a["total"]<$b["total"]?1:0;');
            usort($entries, $func);
            foreach ($entries as $entry)
                $message = sprintf("Min: % 11.8f    Max: % 11.8f    Total: % 11.8f    Calls: % 3d    %s", $entry['min'], $entry['max'], $entry['total'], $entry['calls'], $entry['token']);
                @fwrite($fp, $this->formatLogMessage($message, CLogger::LEVEL_PROFILE, $entry['category'], $entry['time']));


    protected function aggregateResult($token, $info, &$results)
        if (isset($results[$token]))
            if ($info['delta'] < $results[$token]['min'])
                $results[$token]['min'] = $info['delta'];
            else if($info['delta'] > $results[$token]['max'])
                $results[$token]['max'] = $info['delta'];
            $results[$token]['total'] += $info['delta'];

        $results[$token] = array(
            'token' => $token,
            'calls' => 1,
            'min' => $info['delta'],
            'max' => $info['delta'],
            'total' => $info['delta'],
            'category' => $info['category'],
            'time' => $info['time']

If you want to know how Yii measures a time of SQL execution you can look at the source code of CDbCommand class - queryInternal method, to be more precise. Profiling is between Yii::beginProfile('system.db.CDbCommand.query...') and Yii::endProfile('system.db.CDbCommand.query...') calls. As you can see both these calls are within the same method, as the result the time of profiling doesn't include a network transfer. Probably, the issue is that your remote database server runs under huge load.

like image 72
ezze Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
