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Yeoman inside ExpressJS


I'd still like to try to get an example running w/ Yeoman and Express.

I tried the following and it worked "okay", but I'm stuck merging the routes. (over simplified for readability)

mkdir test cd test express mkdir app cd app mkdir js cd js yeoman angular 

Then I changed "output:dist" to "output:../../public" in the Gruntfile.js

Now, both servers run okay on their own (e.g. yeoman server and node app.js). I can also run 'yeoman build' now to output the minified JS to /public in the express app.

I'm a bit fuzzy on how the routes might merge? I would like / to pull up the Angular route and not the express route, etc. The angular-express-seed examples on github look okay, but I would still like Yeoman integrated into the project.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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kyleroche Avatar asked Dec 31 '12 21:12


1 Answers

I would recommend this structure for yeoman + expressjs:

mkdir app cd app yeoman angular express . 

So your dir tree should look like this:

. ├── app │   ├── 404.html │   ├── favicon.ico │   ├── index.html │   ├── robots.txt │   ├── scripts │   │   ├── controllers │   │   │   └── main.js │   │   ├── vendor │   │   │   ├── angular.js │   │   │   ├── angular.min.js │   │   │   ├── es5-shim.min.js │   │   │   └── json3.min.js │   │   └── yeoman-test.js │   ├── styles │   │   └── main.css │   └── views │       └── main.html ├── app.js ├── Gruntfile.js ├── package.json ├── public │   ├── images │   ├── javascripts │   └── stylesheets │       └── style.css ├── routes │   ├── index.js │   └── user.js ├── test │   ├── lib │   │   └── angular-mocks.js │   └── spec │       └── controllers │           └── main.js ├── testacular.conf.js └── views     ├── index.jade     └── layout.jade 

You can remove the now redundant public directory (we're going to serve from app instead):

rm -rf public 

And now in app.js, you need to change which dir to serve static files from. Change this line:

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); 

to this:

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'app'))); 

And that should be about it. There's one careat in that you now have two "index" files -- one in views/index.jade, and the other in app/index.html. Removing the app/index.html currently breaks yeoman, so my advice is to get rid of the route for app/index.jade and just make edits to index.html.

Hope this helps!

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btford Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10
