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Yeoman component vs vendor files and upgrading

Exploring Yeoman, and like to know how can I update a package.

I initialized an angular project

yeoman init angular

the version included in app/script/vendor (which also included in index.html) is AngularJS v1.0.1

How can I upgrade to AngularJS v1.0.2, which is the latest.

There is a command yeoman update , but that only updating the packages installed through yeoman. The packages installed through yeoman lives in app/components.

So, the questions are

  1. Why there is a vendor and components folder.
  2. How can upgrade Angular to latest version (without breaking whatever dependency management yeoman provides)


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bsr Avatar asked Oct 07 '22 08:10


1 Answers

We are planning to make generators fetch dependencies from Bower (package manager which we use under the covers) when available there. This mean you'll be able to do yeoman update angular to get the latest.

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Sindre Sorhus Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 23:10

Sindre Sorhus