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yarn test - Network request failed [duplicate]




created a react project using create-react-app however when I go to run yarn test to see if the initial tests pass I get

throw err;
TypeError: Network request failed`
error Command failed with exit code 1.  

If I set up a brand new app it works totally fine, have not made any changes to App.test.js, just trying to run the default test. yarn start works fine, spins up my app in the browser.
Have tried deleting node_modules
Also tried npm install instead and npm run tests but that doesnt install my dependencies and then also errors the tests.
OS: Antergos Linux
Github repo: https://github.com/Fenwick17/road-to-react-learning
Stepped through my commits to locate the issue, and appears to be caused in https://github.com/Fenwick17/road-to-react-learning/commit/4b6069181a39861e531b550ebb8689695db042bb so I will work through the changes to rectify.

like image 648
Fenwick17 Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 19:03


1 Answers

I also ran into this problem when following the book entitled "The Road to Learn React" and I think that the one causing this error is the part where fetch is called. The book forgot to include an import for fetch which is this one:

import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'

Then, it solves my problem like a charm. Hope this help.

like image 97
Lance Mathew Avatar answered Mar 30 '23 04:03

Lance Mathew