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YAML how to reuse single string content



Lets suppose I've this

a: "ABC"
b: *a

I want b to have the same content than a, keep in mind that a is an string, not an array.

is this possible?

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Arnold Roa Avatar asked Feb 23 '18 03:02

Arnold Roa

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2 Answers

Yes, that's called an alias. You make an Anchor with &anchorname and refer to it with *anchorname

a: &a "ABC"
b: *a
like image 187
tinita Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09


You can also use an array to define many aliases which is quite succinct.

  - &foo "foo"
  - &bar "bar"
test1: *foo
test2: *bar
like image 32
Paul Sturgess Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Paul Sturgess