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xUnit Theory with async MemberData

I have a unit test project using xUnit.net v.2.3.1 for my ASP.NET Core 2.0 web app.

My test should focus on testing a given DataEntry instance: DataEntry instances are generated by the async method GenerateData() in my DataService class, which looks like:

public class DataService {
    public async Task<List<DataEntry>> GenerateData() {

I am writing this test case as a Theory so my test can focus on a DataEntry instance at a time. Here is the code:

public void Test_DataEntry(DataEntry entry) {

    // my assertions


public static async Task<IEnumerable<object[]>> GetDataEntries() {

    var service = new DataService();
    List<DataEntry> entries = await service.GenerateData().ConfigureAwait(false);

    return entries.Select(e => new object[] { e });


However, I get the following error at compile time:

MemberData must reference a data type assignable to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<object[]>'. The referenced type 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<object[]>>' is not valid.

From the error description, it seems xUnit.net does not allow MemberData to use an async static method, like my GetDataEntries() one. Is there any functionality gap in xUnit.net I should be aware of?

Now, I know I could switch my Theory into a Fact and loop through each DataEntry in the list returned by my DataService, however I would prefer to keep a Theory setup as my test would be cleaner and focused on DataEntry instead of List<DataEntry>.

Question: is there any way in xUnit.net to let my Theory get data from my DataService async API? Please, note the DataService class cannot be changed nor extended to provide data synchronously.


I am looking for a way through async/await and would prefer to avoid any usage of blocking calls such as Task<T>.Result e.g. on my GenerateData() method, as the underlying thread will be blocked til the operation completes. This is relevant in my test project as I have other similar test cases where data should be retrieved in the same way and therefore I want to avoid ending up with too many blocking calls, but instead keeping the async/await propagation.

like image 743
smn.tino Avatar asked May 04 '18 08:05


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1 Answers

Until xUnit allows async theory data, you can use Task<T> instances as theory data and await them inside the test method (note that test methods can be async):

public static IEnumerable<object> GetDataEntries() {
    var service = new DataService();
    yield return new object[] { service.GenerateData() };

public async Task Test_DataEntry(Task<List<DataEntry>> task) {
    List<DataEntry> entries = await task;

    for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++) {
        // my assertions
like image 200
JosephDaSilva Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
