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XNA and GUI controls (eg. xaml and xna)

Is there a way to get textboxes, labels and other wpf controls in xna that supports margins, etc that flexes for window size?

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Shawn Mclean Avatar asked Oct 13 '09 16:10

Shawn Mclean

3 Answers

You might give CeGui a shot.

If your game needs advanced GUI capabilities, CeGui# might just hit the nail on the head for you. Marketese aside, this is a seriously good GUI library with Buttons, ListBoxes, Scrollbars, ProgressBars, Sliders, ComboBoxes and more.

To access the Xna version you'll need to check out the latest copy from the project's SVN and load up CeGui-XNA.sln.

There are other options listed in this thread, but I have no idea how well any of the others work (and it probably isn't a comprehensive list anymore).

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Ryan Versaw Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11

Ryan Versaw

The official GUI systems FAQ thread in the XNA Forum: What GUI systems are there for the XNA framework?

CEGUI# is powerful, but it doesn't support the Xbox 360 (eg. its design doesn't include responding to game pad input) - a major overhaul would be required to refit it to be usable with something else than mouse and keyboard.

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Cygon Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11


Not exactly what you're looking for, but here is an example of getting winforms GUI elements mixed in with XNA 3d content:


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Adam Kane Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11

Adam Kane