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XML Serialization question - How to Serialize Element, Attribute and Text from One Object

I'm new into XML Serialization using .NET and after working with it for some time I'm quite fuzzled now. I can serialize elements with attributes containing other elements but how can I serialize something like

<myElement name="foo">bar</myElement> 

I use a class for myElement with a XmlAttribute for the "name", but how to refer the value of the XML Element?

Thanks in advance.

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Haiko Wick Avatar asked Apr 28 '09 09:04

Haiko Wick

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1 Answers

[XmlText], like so:

using System; using System.Xml.Serialization; [Serializable, XmlRoot("myElement")] public class MyType {     [XmlAttribute("name")]     public string Name {get;set;}      [XmlText]     public string Text {get;set;} }  static class Program {     static void Main() {         new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyType)).Serialize(Console.Out,             new MyType { Name = "foo", Text = "bar" });     } } 
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Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 01:10

Marc Gravell