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XML Deserialization

I have the following xml file.


I want to deserialize this into a class and I want to access them with the objects of the class created. I am using C#. I am able to deserialize and get the value into the object of class ‘a’ (the <a> tag). but how to access the value of <b> from this object? I did the following coding:

public class a
    [XmlArrayItem("b", typeof(b))]
    public b[] bb{ get; set; }

public class b
    public string c{ get; set; }
    public string d{ get; set; }    
class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            a i = null;
            string path = "test.xml";

            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(a));

            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path);
            i = (a)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
            //i want to print all b tags here
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Nave Avatar asked Jun 14 '10 07:06


2 Answers

For this to work you can make the following change

public class a
    public b[] bb{ get; set; }

By using the XmlElement attribute on the array, you are essentially telling the serializer that the array elements should be serialize/deserialized as direct child elements of the current element.

Here is a working example, I put the XML in a string just to make the example self contained.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      string xml =

      XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(a));
      a i = (a)xs.Deserialize(new StringReader(xml));

      if (i != null && i.bb != null && i.bb.Length > 0)
        Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong!"); 


  public class a
    public b[] bb { get; set; }

  public class b
    public string c { get; set; }
    public string d { get; set; }
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Chris Taylor Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 11:10

Chris Taylor

When in doubt with creating your xml serialization classes, i find the easiest way to solve the problem is to:

  • dump all your dummy data into an XML file
  • run xsd.exe to create a .xsd schema file
  • run xsd.exe on your schema file to create a class file

i wrote a quick tutorial on it in a blog post a while ago: http://www.diaryofaninja.com/blog/2010/05/07/make-your-xml-stronglytyped-because-you-can-and-its-easy

it takes less than a minute and you can then easily tweak things from there. XSD.exe is your friend

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Doug Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10
