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XHR finished loading [...] log message

I get a JavaScript console log message each time an Ajax request finishes loading; the issue is demonstrated in the attached screenshot.

enter image description here

I don't know how I activated this logging. How to deactivate it? I'm on ExtJS 4.1.

like image 832
Joseph Victor Zammit Avatar asked Oct 11 '12 12:10

Joseph Victor Zammit

1 Answers

It's not an extjs issue! You click on the gear icon in the right bottom corner and uncheck Log XMLHttpRequests.

more recent (Chrome 55): open the console, right click the open area, uncheck "Log XMLHttpRequests". OR click the vertical "..." in the top right, go to settings, and uncheck "Log XMLHttpRequests" under the "Console" header.

recent screenshot:

chrome 55 screenshot 1

chrome 55 screenshot

older screenshot: recent screenshot

even older screenshot: older screenshot

like image 87
VDP Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10