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XCTestExpectation: how to avoid calling the fulfill method after the wait context has ended?



I’m using the new asynchronous testing capabilities of Xcode 6. Everything works fine when the asynchronous task ends before the timeout. But if the task takes longer than the timeout, things get more complicated.

Here is how I’m doing my tests:

@interface AsyncTestCase : XCTestCase @end

@implementation AsyncTestCase

// The asynchronous task would obviously be more complex in a real world scenario.
- (void) startAsynchronousTaskWithDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration completionHandler:(void (^)(id result, NSError *error))completionHandler
    dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(duration * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        completionHandler([NSObject new], nil);

- (void) test1TaskLongerThanTimeout
    XCTestExpectation *expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Test 1: task longer than timeout"];
    [self startAsynchronousTaskWithDuration:4 completionHandler:^(id result, NSError *error) {
        [expectation fulfill];
    [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2 handler:nil];

- (void) test2TaskShorterThanTimeout
    XCTestExpectation *expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Test 2: task shorter than timeout"];
    [self startAsynchronousTaskWithDuration:5 completionHandler:^(id result, NSError *error) {
        [expectation fulfill];
    [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:10 handler:nil];


Unfortunately, calling the fulfill method after the timeout has expired crashes the test suite with this error:

API violation - called -[XCTestExpectation fulfill] after the wait context has ended.

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'API violation - called -[XCTestExpectation fulfill] after the wait context has ended.'
*** First throw call stack:
  0   CoreFoundation   0x000000010c3a6f35 __exceptionPreprocess + 165
  1   libobjc.A.dylib  0x000000010a760bb7 objc_exception_throw + 45
  2   CoreFoundation   0x000000010c3a6d9a +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 106
  3   Foundation       0x000000010a37d5df -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 195
  4   XCTest           0x0000000115c48ee1 -[XCTestExpectation fulfill] + 264
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

Of course I can check if the test is finished before calling the fulfill method like this:

- (void) test1TaskLongerThanTimeout
    XCTestExpectation *expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Test 1: task longer than timeout"];

    __block BOOL testIsFinished = NO;
    [self startAsynchronousTaskWithDuration:4 completionHandler:^(id result, NSError *error) {
        if (testIsFinished) {
        [expectation fulfill];

    [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2 handler:^(NSError *error) {
        testIsFinished = YES;

But this seems overly complicated and makes the test much harder to read. Am I missing something? Is there a simpler way to solve this problem?

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0xced Avatar asked Dec 18 '14 20:12


3 Answers

Yes, there is a much simpler way to avoid this API violation issue: just declare your expectation variable as __weak. Although not clearly documented, the expectation will be released when the timeout expires. So if the task takes longer than the timeout, the expectation variable will be nil when the task completion handler is called. Thus the fulfill method will be called on nil, doing nothing.

- (void) test1TaskLongerThanTimeout
    __weak XCTestExpectation *expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Test 1: task longer than timeout"];
    [self startAsynchronousTaskWithDuration:4 completionHandler:^(id result, NSError *error) {
        [expectation fulfill];
    [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2 handler:nil];
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0xced Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 00:11


I came across the same problem but in my case I needed the Swift version of the answer above.

I'm working on an OpenStack Swift Drive for OSX. When a folder is deleted locally with Finder, the deletion eventually propagates to the Server, I needed a test that waits for the server to be updated.

To avoid the API violation crash, I've changed my expectations to be "weak var" and changed the call to fulfill it to "zeroFoldersExpectation?.fulfill()" with the extra '?' as the expectation is now optional and could become nil in which case the fulfill call is ignored. This fixed the crashes.

func testDeleteFolder()

    weak var zeroFoldersExpectation=expectationWithDescription("server has zero folders")
    Server.waitUntilNServerFolders(0, withPrefix: "JC/TestSwiftDrive/", completionHandler: {zeroFoldersExpectation?.fulfill()})
    waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(10, handler: {error in})

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Jorge Costa Avatar answered Nov 24 '22 01:11

Jorge Costa

Instead of creating expectation as weak variable (as suggested in this answer) I think you could also set is as block variable and nil it in completion handler of waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:

- (void) test1TaskLongerThanTimeout
    __block XCTestExpectation *expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Test 1: task longer than timeout"];
    [self startAsynchronousTaskWithDuration:4 completionHandler:^(id result, NSError *error) {
        [expectation fulfill];
    [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:2 handler:^(NSError *error) {
        expectation = nil;

This way you are sure that ARC won't dealloc expectation too fast.

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Piotr Avatar answered Nov 23 '22 23:11
