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XCode6 GoldMaster submitting build failed with error




When I submit build to AppStore I see errors:

ERROR ITMS-4088: "No software found with apple_id: *" at SofwareAssets

ERROR ITMS-4238: "Redundant Binary Upload. There already exists a binary upload with build version '3.0' for train '3.0' at SoftwareAssets/PreReleaseSoftwareAsset.

Does anybody know what I should do to fix that?

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Mikhail S Avatar asked Sep 10 '14 13:09

Mikhail S

4 Answers

For the error ERROR ITMS-4088: "No software found with apple_id: *" at SofwareAssets

Make sure you have the correct itunesconnect account connected with xcode.

  • Sign into > https://itunesconnect.apple.com
  • Users + Roles
  • Add iTunes Connect User
    • specify your developer account email address
    • grant admin or technical access (this allows generation of certs)

Alternatively - you can simply add in the production iTunes Connect login details in xcode.

  • Xcode / preferences(cmd + ,)
  • Accounts -> add iTunes Connect apple id.
  • Archive -> choose the corresponding iTunes Connect account to submit.

enter image description here

Currently, the iTunes Connect user account is limited to one commercial entity. Whereas the Apple developer account can be granted access to multiple organisations. To get around this, use a different email address or alias to successfully add your iTunes Connect User.

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johndpope Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 00:11


Fix your apple id there *" is strange, i.e. only use normal characters and then do the following to increase the build:

A more than one binary may be uploaded to iTunesConnect if the the Build number (Select the Target, then Xcode -> General -> Build, see the picture below) is increased by adding .1, i.e. if the version is 3.75, then increase it to: 3.75.1, but the Version is still `3.75 for the App (also in iTunesConnect). The build number just has to be unique for each binary that is loaded up to iTunesConnect.

Showing where to set the Build Version in XCode

After a new binary is uploaded and processed (~ 10 min), then you can select the new binary and submit it for review. In the picture below you may see the old and the new binary listed in iTunesConnect in the Build section of the current App version (you click the plus sign). Then the new binary is selected -> Saved -> Submit for Review. (Sometimes an error comes when submitting, then just try after a few mins or upload a new binary build).

Showing list of binaries in iTunesConnect

For those inclined to do this automatically with an Xcode script, here is a description of making an automatic script for updating Build numbers Better way of incrementing build number?

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Sverrisson Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 02:11


This can also be caused by not being the agent. you can't submit as just an admin for itunesconnect. XCode6 does not have a separate login for itunesconnect like previous versions, so it uses your standard account. Go to Xcode>Preferences>Accounts and sign in with the itunesconnect agent account. Then you will be get rid of the Error ITMS-4088

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Xials Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 01:11


For the "ERROR ITMS-4238: Redundant Binary Upload." issue...

I simply used the Apple Application Loader (along with ensuring the Version and Build numbers being unique) and it worked perfectly.

It looks like Xcode6 GM have some bugs interacting with iTunes Connect.

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JWD Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 02:11