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Xcode won't recognize a new Swift class




I have created a new Swift class in a new file

import Foundation

class RecordedAudio: NSObject{
    var filePathUrl: NSURL!
    var title: String!

and now I want use it inside another class by creating a new object.

import UIKit
import AVFoundation

class recordSoundsViewController: UIViewController, AVAudioRecorderDelegate {
    var audioRecorder: AVAudioRecorder!
    var recordedAudio: RecordedAudio! // new object gives error

But Xcode is giving me the error "Use of undeclared type RecordedAudio" so I got stuck there. A similar question has been posted here: How do I import a Swift file from another Swift file? but none of those solutions worked for me. BTW, this is part of the Udacity swift class. Thanks, any help would be appreciated.

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Sam J Avatar asked May 09 '15 23:05

Sam J

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2 Answers

In the Project Navigator on the left, select the file where you declared RecordedAudio.

Now, in the File inspector on the right, look at the Target Membership. The app target (not the Test target) should be checked, similar to this:

enter image description here

If not, check it! And now all will be well.

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matt Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10


In my case I had to remove the references from the project navigator, and then add them again (the target membership was not the problem).

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Lukas Kalinski Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10

Lukas Kalinski