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Xcode won't let go a resource file

My question today is about how Xcode deals with resource files in the app bundle which it creates. I know that it may be trivial, but I can't find an easy way out. Basically my problem is that Xcode seems to keep on including a resource file (eg a text file) in the app bundle even if the file has been removed from the project. Here it is in detail what is happening here.

   Added a file to the project (both by choosing file - new file or dragging a file to the Xcode groups and files left column checking add to project folder if needed checkbox)
   Compiled and launched the project in simulator
   Verified that the file is present in myApp.app bundle, located in User/Library/Application/Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/<application system number>/myApp.app and even in <my Xcode projects folder>/myApp/build/debugiPhonesimulator/myApp.app
   Deleted the file from groups and files column in Xcode
   Deleted the actual file with Finder in <my Xcode projects folder>/myApp/myFile
   Deleted User/Library/Application/Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/<application system number>/myApp.app and even <my Xcode projects folder>/myApp/build/debugiPhonesimulator/myApp.app
   Emptied the trash
   Verified that there is no reference to the file with Finder spotlight
   Verified that there is no reference to the file with Xcode search
   Rebuilt and relaunched the app in simulator
   Verified that a brand new /Library/Application/Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/<application system number>/myApp.app has been just created
   Verified the content of /Library/Application/Support/iPhone Simulator/3.2/Applications/<application system number>/myApp.app bundle: the file is still there. Where the h. did Xcode take it from?

I am surely missing something really obvious. Any help?

like image 647
user236739 Avatar asked Dec 18 '22 01:12


1 Answers

Have you checked the "Targets" node ? If not then;

  • Expand the "Targets" node and the application one.
  • There must be a build phase called "Copy Bundle Resources".
  • Check that the resource is not in the phase.

You can also try to perform a full clean of the project to ensure that no temporary files stay.

like image 61
Laurent Etiemble Avatar answered Dec 29 '22 10:12

Laurent Etiemble