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Xcode | Why use a launch screen file over launch images source?

As far as I can tell these are two similar ways to do the same thing. If a launch screen file doesn't offer any advantages over a launch images source then why did Apple offer it? What am I missing?

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Jacksonkr Avatar asked Jan 26 '15 23:01


People also ask

What is difference between splash screen and launch screen?

A splash screen, also known as a launch screen, is the first screen that a user sees when opening your app, and it stays visible while the app is loading. You can control when the splash screen disappears by using the native SplashScreen API.

How do I change the launch screen in Swift?

Adding a Launch Screen You need to add it manually in the Info. plist file. After opening the file, you should see an entry named Launch Screen. Click the arrow on its left to change the direction.

1 Answers

This answer assumes you're talking about iOS, even though you didn't mention or tag iOS in your original question.

A launch image is simply a static (non-changing) placeholder image.

"Launch Screen" (or more accurately "LaunchScreen" or "LaunchScreen.storyboard"), is the default name of the storyboard for a Launch Screen File; it is a very simple xib or storyboard file that appears before the rest of the app gets loaded up. The advantage to this is that a dev can use auto layout to reposition things subtly depending on the size of the screen (iPhone vs. iPad, iPhone 6 vs iPhone 6+, etc.).

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Michael Dautermann Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

Michael Dautermann