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xcode: where can I set this Linker flag '-v'?


People also ask

What is Other_ldflags?

"Other Linker Flags" is the human-readable version, and OTHER_LDFLAGS is the actual variable name that the linker uses.

What does the linker flag do?

The -ObjC Linker Flag Passing the -ObjC option to the linker causes it to load all members of static libraries that implement any Objective-C class or category. This will pickup any category method implementations. But it can make the resulting executable larger, and may pickup unnecessary objects.

MAC OS X. Xcode - the Linker says: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) - But where do I set this Flag? I've tried all 'build Option' settings - I believe I have tried all of them ...