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Xcode Other Swift Flags not recognized in code




I have a Swift project, I added a unit test target to it. my config file Constants.swift contains a struct:

struct Constants {
  struct Network {
    #if APITESTS
    static let serverURL = "https://www.servertest.com"
    static let serverURL = "https://www.server.com"

In my test target Other Swift Flags I added -DAPITESTS Then run the unit test with CMD+U In a log present in my test, I can see that it's "https://www.server.com" that is selected here when it should be servertest.

If I use #if DEBUG instead of APITESTS, it works. If I try to add APITESTS within Active Compilation Conditions (just like DEBUG) it is still not recognized.

Any clear explaination?

like image 955
Mikael Avatar asked Aug 31 '17 03:08


People also ask

How do I use another swift flag?

To do that, goto Project (not target)→Build settings → Swift Compiler → Custom flags → Other swift flags section and edit the different configuration flags. Add the flags using the syntax “ -D <flag_name>”. NOTE: if you are not seeing Other swift flags section, you will be in the basic build settings mode.

What is Flag in Swift?

Feature flags allow you to slowly rollout a feature, rather than doing a risky big bang launch, and are extremely helpful when used in a continuous integration and continuous delivery environment. At Optimizely, we commonly use feature flags to reduce the risk of complicated deploys like rolling out new APIs.

1 Answers

When you define a condition in the test target, it only affects the test; the main app is built based on its usual configuration. The two easy solutions I see here are to set an environment variable or define a special test configuration in the main app and set the scheme to use that configuration for tests.

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like image 64
Kevin Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10
