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Xcode only lets me run for an iOS device (no simulator)

I just cloned a project into Xcode and am trying to run it in the simulator. However, my only option is iOS Device. This is unique to this project only and I don't know how to fix it. Anyone else run into this and know how to fix it?


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swickblade Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 16:04


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Open Xcode and click Menu > Xcode > Preferences > Select Components, and then choose the simulator version you want to download.

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To launch a Simulator without running an appChoose Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Simulator. Control-click the Xcode icon in the Dock, and from the shortcut menu, choose Open Developer Tool > Simulator.

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Well, that's not entirely true, you can actually still directly launch iOS Simulator without opening Xcode first by creating an alias. Note that modern versions of Xcode and OS X call the iOS Simulator simply “Simulator”, where you go will depend on which version of OS X the Mac is running.

1 Answers

Under Your project Build Settings

  1. select Deployment section
  2. change iOS Deployment Target to a version iOS 5.0 or less
  3. now you can go ahead and change the deployment target from device to simulator!

In my case the deployment target was set to version 5.1 and i still am running snow leapord OS with appropriate JARS copied from xcode 4.3 to make it run with a device running iOS 5.1.

However, my simulators do not yet support version 5.1 so till i changed the deployment target to lower version e.g. 5.0 or 4.2 it won't let me run on simulator.

like image 126
Samuel Sharaf Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 00:10

Samuel Sharaf