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Xcode doesn't recognize GoogleService-Info.plist file after adding Firebase via pods

People also ask

How do I create a new plist in Xcode?

Right click on the folder you want to add it to and choose "New file…" This will bring up a blank file with columns for Key, Type and Value. Choose any of the presented options, you'll be overwriting it anyway. Now change the Key to "Apple".

To anyone still having this issue:

  1. Add the file to the project
  2. Click on it:

enter image description here

  1. On the right sidebar from Xcode, mark the Target Membership option:

enter image description here

It happens to me. Just erase the (7). The Xcode firebase framework connects to firebase through the GoogleService-Info.plist when you build your code an error will be display if the .plist file is not called exactly: GoogleService-Info.plist. At the moment that the .plist file has another character in the name, the firebase framework will not recognize it. The framework is searching just for the GoogleService-Info.plist not GoogleService-Info.plist (07)

This usually happens when you download several times your GoogleService-Info.plist from the console. If you want to avoid this. Get the file out from your "downloads" carpet. Otherwise, your computer is going to add a number at the end of the name file if you already have one inside that carpet. It creates a copy.

Hope this can help!

I solved this by using these steps :

  1. Go to Build Phases of your project enter image description here

  2. Expand "Copy Bundle Resources"

  3. Click on Plus (+) button and add "GoogleService-Info.plist" file.

clean and build your project.

Change the plist name from GoogleService-Info(7).plist to GoogleService-Info.plist


I had the same problem. I solved the problem by following the steps below Source: https://github.com/firebase/quickstart-ios/issues/5