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XCode compiling extremely slow inside VMWare

The OSX 10.6.6 is installed inside VMware on Windows 7 host. The overall performance is great, However, the compiling time increased dramatically (1 hour against 2-3 min on pure MacOS). It's modern machine with Core i5 & 4GB RAM. Here are the XBench results: http://db.xbench.com/merge.xhtml?doc1=517768&doc2=1&setCookie=true I think the problem could be in extremely slow 4k write value, but I don't know how to improve this.

Is there any way to increase performance?

UPD1: swap is not used, there is enough memory for all operations the disk speed is also not related, since my another Macbook shows event worse results, and compiles hundreds times faster.

UPD2: problem solved, see my answer below

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Hedin Avatar asked Apr 02 '11 10:04


3 Answers

Sharing experience and solution.

My Xcode was running fine but when I build a project (even an empty one), it would take up to 10 minutes.

SOLUTION: Go to Xcode -> Preference -> Source Control: Dissable Source Control

Now projects build and run in a matter of seconds.

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Brynjar Gigja Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 02:10

Brynjar Gigja

In VMWare, you should have a setting where you can dedicate one or two cores entirely to the virtual machine. Assuming you have quad core, maybe give MacOSX 2 or 3 cores? If you have dual-core and you've allocated 1 core to the VM (and the problem still persists), i can't say much then!

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Matthew Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 03:10


It's good that your problem is solved, but I want to share my experience for improving vmware performance. Please do install VMware tools for mac os and they are present in .iso file.

Steps to install VMware tools for MAC OS:

1) Power on your VM.
2) At the right bottom they are some pop-up symbols(These are usually not present in full screen mode). Rightclick the CD/DVD symbol.
3) Click setting. In this window make sure that darwin.iso is selected.
4) Close this window and again right click CD/DVD symbol.
5) Click connect. An icon will appear with name darwin(300).
6) Inside this file tools are present. Install them!

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Syed Asad Ali Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 04:10

Syed Asad Ali