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XCode: cannot change Navigation Bar tint via Storyboard





i wan't to give a NavigationBar a certain tint, however i cannot find the setting in XCode. Is it still present? I saw a number of tutorials mentioning that possibility (i.e. http://www.appcoda.com/customize-navigation-status-bar-ios-7/).

Where do i have to click to get this dialog? I tried the NavigationController, everywhere inside the NavigationController and the Navigation Items in the subcontrollers.

I know how to do it programmatically so that's not my question here.

Thanks guys.

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patman Avatar asked Jan 10 '14 14:01


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How do I add a navigation bar in Xcode storyboard?

Go to the Storyboard. Select the View Controller and in The Editor menu select Embed in -> Navigation Controller. Next, drag a Bar Button from the Object Library to the left side of the Navigation Bar and name it "Left Item". Repeat this for the right side and name it "Right Item".

1 Answers

In your storyboard, you'll need to click on the "Navigation Bar" object and then look at the object's attributes.

In Xcode, it'll look like this:

Navigation Bar Tint in Storyboard

like image 168
Michael Dautermann Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10

Michael Dautermann