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Xcode Build failed,fatal error: module 'firebase_auth' not found @import firebase_auth;

    Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.17.4, on Mac OS X 10.15.5 19F101, locale en-US)
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.3)
[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 11.5)
[✓] Android Studio (version 4.0)
[✓] VS Code (version 1.46.1)
[!] Connected device
    ! No devices available

! Doctor found issues in 1 category.

\\\Error Message

     ** BUILD FAILED **
Xcode's output:
    /Users/Razi/Desktop/projects/Sayy/ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:10:9: fatal error: module 'firebase_auth' not found
    @import firebase_auth;
    1 error generated.
    note: Using new build system
    note: Building targets in parallel
    note: Planning build
    note: Constructing build description

I have tried deleting Podfile/Podlock and running pod init/ pod install without success. Also have reviewed the GitHub repo for ios folder. Why is firebase_auth not found?

like image 368
Alrazi Bashir Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 07:03

Alrazi Bashir

2 Answers

Update: I was able to eventually find a workaround by executing the following:

  1. Running Flutter Clean (in ios folder of project)
  2. Deleting both Podlock & Pod Folder
  3. Running pod init followed by pod install

seems to be an issue with the runner.xcworkspace folder and the build files needed to run builds.

like image 180
Alrazi Bashir Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 21:03

Alrazi Bashir

I tried to follow suggested steps of executing Flutter clean, manually removing podfile and podfile.lock along with Pod related folders, executing pod install again, etc. - nothing helped.

What helped me in the end was the following sequence:

  1. Create a new project with same dependencies declared in the pubspec.yaml.
  2. Run pub get in the new project.
  3. Run pod install in the new project to get everything generated
  4. Copy newly generated podfile and podfile.lock files to the old project.
  5. Run pod install in the old project.

Only after this sequence I was able to build the iOS project again.

like image 24
Volodymyr Buberenko Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 23:03

Volodymyr Buberenko