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Xcode Beta 6 - Use of undeclared type 'CLLocationManagerDelegate'

I have just upgraded from Xcode 6 Beta 3 to Xcode 6 Beta 6. In Beta 3, everything worked fine and compiled like I wanted it to.

Right now, I cannot get CLLocationManagerDelegate to work, i.e. I always get the Use of undeclared type 'CLLocationManagerDelegate' - error message.

This is what my file looks like:

import UIKit
import CoreLocation

class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource, CLLocationManagerDelegate {

Additional info:

  • I have added the CoreLocation Framework (tried adding it within Xcode directly, also by drag-and-dropping the actual file from the folder, no changes)
  • I have had to reinstall Xcode 6 Beta 6 a couple of times before getting it to start (running OSX 10.9.4, always crashed on first startup)
  • As you can see, I import CoreLocation to my file.
  • CLLocationManagerDelegate does not autocomplete, it goes as far as CLLocationManager

Any ideas? I'm assuming something is not linked properly here.

like image 794
schnabler Avatar asked Aug 30 '14 11:08


3 Answers

Try to clean your build directory:


Product-->(Alt key) Clean Build Folder

Delete your derived data:

Window-->Organizer-->delete derived data

like image 54
zisoft Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11


Another possible reason for the 'use of undeclared type' error is that your class is also within your test target, but the 'undeclared type' is not.

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Goodsquirrel Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 06:11


This was a bug in XCode. Was solved in Beta7/Xcode6.

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schnabler Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11
