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Xcode 9 setting label with 0 lines to height of 14,600.5 in stack view




In Xcode 9 I am following along to the AppCoda tutorial to get started in iOS development. I noticed some odd behavior and am wondering if this is a bug or something I am not understanding with stack views in the Interface Builder (since the app does compile and displays correctly on my phone).

When I place the Label and set it as the third element in the stack view, a sibling of two other nested stack views, it appears fine if the default attributes are used. However, when I change the lines property from 1 to 0, the label and the adjacent stack view disappear from the interface builder.



In the size inspector, the coordinates for the label changed from 0,208.5 to 0,-90. If I change these properties, the height of the label changes from 0,0 to 375,14600.5, and Xcode throws an error: Interface Builder does not support UILabel sizes larger than 10,000 by 10,000.

Is this a bug with Xcode, or is there some changed behavior with the lines attribute for this version of Xcode (the book currently covers Xcode 8).

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shaunjacobsen Avatar asked Sep 20 '17 20:09


2 Answers

Here's a solution. Select the label view and go to the size inspector. Under label preferences check the explicit size box. This prevents the stack view from collapsing when you put a multiple line label into it.

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itopaloglu83 Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10


Set Size Inspector > Intrinsic Size > Placeholder, set width to none and height to say 30

From description: Setting a design time intrinsic content size only affects a view while editing in Interface Builder. The view will not have this intrinsic content size at runtime.

From Xcode Help: Use a placeholder intrinsic size to indicate a view’s width and height and avoid design time constraint ambiguity.

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Dennis Lau Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10

Dennis Lau