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Xcode 6.3 Crashes when navigating from storyboard to other Swift 1.2 file





I installed Xcode 6.3 which includes support for Swift 1.2. It turned up a ton of error messages, which are mostly casting issues.

I navigated to the storyboard, and cannot go back to any other .swift without the whole thing crashing. I have force quit, restarted, and even re-installed, and I still can't navigate away from the Main.storyboard file.

I have tried the suggestion described here to open storyboard as code, make some changes, revert those changes, save and try again, and still no luck.

Is something in my code breaking Xcode? Is anyone else experiencing this? I had used Xcode 6.3 beta successfully with the same codebase.

Update: This has now been fixed in Xcode 6.3.1 released on the 21st of April 2015.

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stone Avatar asked Apr 09 '15 15:04


2 Answers

I gather from the apple developer forums that this is an @IBDesignable issue. Especially in projects that use custom fonts, additional xibs, etc.

I have somehow fixed my issue by removing all @IBDesignable from swift UIView class definitions. You can open your project directory with TextMate or other, search and remove all "@IBDesignable"

However I still think this is a MAJOR bug, that needs to be worked on.. so keep filing bug reports to Apple.

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stone Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 21:11


A temporary solution:

By opening a "New Window" (same project).

One for the code, one for the storyboard or reduce first, work freely with second window.

You can keep your @IBDesignables

EDIT : Bug fixed -> Update Xcode 6.3.1

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Dimitri Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 21:11
