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XCode 6.0.1 Behavior: Huge Delays?

I've been using XCode 6.0.1 for a while now on a large-ish Swift project for iOS, and was wondering whether anyone else is experiencing these symptoms:

  • Sometimes it gets to the point that the spinner comes up on EVERY keystroke, and I have to wait 10 second before the next character appears in the editor.
  • Auto-complete takes up to a minute to auto-complete.
  • "Jump to Definition" takes up to 30 seconds to complete. Sometimes I've forgotten I asked for it, searched by text to find what I wanted, gone back to where I started from and then "Jump to Definition" kicks in.

I'm part of a development group of 3, and all three of us are experiencing the same behavior.

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Peter K. Avatar asked Oct 03 '14 12:10

Peter K.

1 Answers

Yeah, I had this problem - this is a duplicate of this:

XCode 6 GM: Constantly freezing / locking while editing Swift code

I filed bug #18316444 and their response was:

Engineering has provided the following information:

We believe this issue has been addressed in the latest Xcode 6.1 beta.

This pre-release version of the Xcode 6.1 developer tools is required when developing for OS X Yosemite, and includes the Swift programming language. Xcode 6.1 beta runs on OS X Mavericks and OS X Yosemite Developer Preview.

Please test with this release, and update your bug report with the results.

Xcode 6.1 beta - Build 6A1042b


Please let us know if that resolves the issue for you by updating your bug report.

I don't know if this will help or frustrate you, but the problem eventually went away for me. What I did end up doing though was having an open terminal ready will killall primed for SourceKit. I wish I knew what changed, it just did. One thing to check though, on early versions of XCode 6, I kept running out of pty terminals - it would leak, run out, and then SourceKit would "jam up". I had to up it to 512, I think (whatever the default was, I ended up doubling twice). I can't remember if that also worked around this issue, or if it was unaffected.

If you remain afflicted, you might consider editing with 6.1 and doing final builds on 6.0.x.

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Chris Conover Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 13:11

Chris Conover