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Xcode 6 No provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity (i.e. certificate and private key pair) were found

I got p12 file from my colleague and installed into my mac and I find the certificate along with private key properly installed in my keychain.And also I installed provisioning profile.

I selected provisioning profile & respective certificate in XCODE 6 , when I try to build the app I get this error .

"No provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity (i.e. certificate and private key pair) were found."

In the keychaing app: enter image description here

In xcode 6:

enter image description here

I tried the following but no luck.

  • Re-start xcode.
  • delete and re-installed p12 & provisioning profile.
  • Turned-off 'Online Certificate status protol' & 'Certificate Revocation List' in keychain preference.

Can anyone help me to solve this issue.

Note : I do not have access to developer portal.

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karthik Avatar asked Dec 22 '14 07:12


4 Answers

Please set your code signing once again.

enter image description here

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Sarat Patel Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 17:11

Sarat Patel

Go to Open Xcode -> Product -> Edit Scheme -> Check wheter you selected Distribution for "Run" and "Profile"

If not change to Distribution,Because you are using distribution certificates.

like image 37
madhu Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 18:11


Check with your colleague whether Provisioning Profile given to you is associated with that p12 certificate only or not . You can goto your account portal (apple) -> Provisioning Profiles ->Development or Distribution -> Select your profile -> Edit -> Check Certificates (check Certificate date stored in your KeyChain & on portal selected certificate date ). If their is any mismatch then someone has revoked your p12 certificate , you need to get new p12 & generate new provisioning profile .

You have your apple account credentials then i can assist you for the same.

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Krunal Darji Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 18:11

Krunal Darji

Also make sure that not only your target is using the correct provisioning but also in the project section.

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Mattia Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 17:11
