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xcode 6 iOS launchScreen.xib localization issue





In my app I have three languages. The launchScreen.xib has three localzations too.

enter image description here

Like the localizable.strings I changed the text that should be used by the Object-ID.

enter image description here

When launching the App there is always the english text used, not the localized. And there is a "X" int he symbol of the LaunchScreen.xib and LaunchScreen.xib (Base). Why? How can I solve that issue?

like image 259
Christian Avatar asked Nov 09 '14 09:11


2 Answers

The correct answer to specifically localizing the launch screen is here:

Localization of Default.png is not working

And for shortcutting I'll paste the main steps:

  1. Create InfoPlist.strings file. (File,New,Resource,Strings)
  2. Localize it and add the key "UILaunchStoryboardName" with the value being the name of the xib you want to be shown as the launchscreen for that localisation.

For e.g. for the Spanish version, add your launch screen key and name for the Spanish version of your Launch screen in the newly created InfoPlist.strings localized for spanish.

"UILaunchStoryboardName" = "Launch_es";

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Fawkes Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 02:09


As Apple's document, launchscreen will never locale your text:

"Avoid including text on your launch screen. Because launch screens are static, any displayed text won’t be localized."


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Truong Le Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

Truong Le