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Xcode 5, Export Project to SVN repository




In previous version of Xcode there was a repository section in Organiser which is now missing in Xcode 5. How to export project to SVN in Xcode 5.

like image 926
TechFanatic Avatar asked Sep 19 '13 12:09


3 Answers

One way is using an svn client. The one which is obviously available is the command line svn client. So here's how I use it:

Our repository is: https://myserver.me.com/svn/ The repository is added to Xcode using Xcode->Preferences->Accounts.

  • Create a new project inside Xcode 5: $HOME/IOS/Projects/MyProject
  • Close the project or maybe even better close Xcode to avoid Xode interfering with svn. Really.
  • Open a terminal and change directory into the projects folder

    cd $HOME/IOS/Projects
  • Import the project into svn:

    svn import -m "New Import"  MyProject/ https://myserver.me.com/svn/trunk/MyProject
  • Checkout the project again to create a working copy

    svn co https://myserver/svn/trunk/MyProject MyProject
  • Re-open the project in Xcode and enjoy svn. The project is now part of the repo.

like image 89
Robert Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 19:10


Select Source Control -> Check Out… This shows a “Check Out” dialog.

This is Check Out

Select SVN from Recents or Repositories tab.

Check out dialog

Now, select the directory in which to check out the project.

Click on “Check Out”. This updates the local project to remote SVN.

like image 36
Jayprakash Dubey Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10

Jayprakash Dubey

please refer this.


and on click on setting btn you can import and export also.

like image 29
Ayaz Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 20:10
