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Xcode 4.5 Base Localization and NSSegmentedControl issue

I can't make my NSSegmentedControl change its titles using Base Localization.

Xcode generates the files for english and french languages, I translate the titles of each segment, but they remain the same as in the xib file.

Same thing for the tool tips of an other segmented control.

As everything else is working perfectly fine, I suppose this is a bug for this particular type of control.

Can somebody else confirm this problem? (Xcode 4.5.2, MacOS 10.8.2)

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berfis Avatar asked Nov 15 '12 23:11


1 Answers

Works like a breeze for me.

Things to watch out for:

  • Clean the build folder. When you've just added the .strings file for new translations the old file (non-localized) can still hang around in the old location. This can cause the system to ignore your localized resources.

  • Make sure everything ends up in your bundle. To to the built binary in Finder and check its contents. Sometimes files are missing from the copy step, not included in the target, etc. so they don't end up in the built bundle.

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cacau Avatar answered Jan 02 '23 12:01
