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Xcode 4 Interface Builder Slow Performance [closed]




Has anybody noticed that Interface Builder on the latest Xcode 4 is significantly slower than Xcode 3? Every time I had to restart the machine as soon as I'm done with the Interface Builder because the Xcode editor responsiveness was just unbearable.

I'm considering to migrate my XIBs to Objective-C code if I can't fix it. My machine is a 2.4 Duo with 2GB RAM, and the XIB file was just a simple UIView. Am I the only one experiencing it?

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SmallChess Avatar asked Apr 22 '11 11:04


2 Answers

Xcode 4 is extremely slow on a 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook, to the point of being unusable for interface-related work.

When the Interface Builder pane is opened, performance becomes glacial with even the most basic interface operations. The most minor operations (e.g. selecting an Interface Builder element, and moving it) involve a one-second delay before the object moves, then a further delay while the various Inspector values update. Activity Monitor spikes, and stays spiked for several seconds.

Using any other app (e.g. Safari) becomes an exercise in frustration, involving lengthy (> 30 second) periods with the spinning beach ball of death.

Even with all other apps killed off, Xcode 4 exhibits major problems. IMO, the current version is not production-level software, and is borderline broken.

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SirRatty Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 22:11


Xcode 4 needs much more resources from your machine. I have those problems, too.

I recommend you to close all processes you don't need and close heavy applications like browsers, Adobe Products, Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Time Machine, etc. then you'll have a little bit more performance in Xcode. Otherwise you may buy more RAM for your Mac...

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Fabio Poloni Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 21:11

Fabio Poloni