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xCode 12 Beta 4, Lexical or Preprocessor issue - header file not found. Simulator only - works on device

macOS Catalina 10.15.5. xCode 11.6, xCode 12 beta 4. Objective-c app with 7 cocoapods. The app runs fine in xCode 11 and in xCode 12 on device. It fails to compile in xCode 12 simulator with Lexical or Preprocessor issue on the first cocoapod it encounters. If I eliminate that one it fails on the next. I've tried the standard steps - clean build folder, restart xCode, delete pod files and reinstall, pod repo update, clean derived data, etc. This was also an issue in beta 3.

Any ideas?

like image 879
Jim Peters Avatar asked Aug 17 '20 13:08

Jim Peters

2 Answers

Try upgrading the Project Xcode compatibility to Xcode 11 and change the VALID_ARCHS to $(ARCHS_STANDARD). It worked for me

like image 114
Shikhil Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11


you can try: add "x86_64" at "TARGETS ->Build Settings -> User-Defined -> VALID_ARCHS", and it's works too.

like image 34
LQi2009 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
