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Xcode 11 beta crashes when starting in Virtual machine

i have just downloaded Xcode 11 beta and installed in a vm environment. When trying to start a new playground or project, xcode quits with following error code. Any idea how to solve ?

Process:               Xcode [426]  
Path:                  /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode  
Identifier:            com.apple.dt.Xcode  
Version:               11.0 (14855.18)  
Build Info:            IDEFrameworks-14855018000000000~13  
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)  
Parent Process:        ??? [1]  
Responsible:           Xcode [426]  
User ID:               501  

Date/Time:             2019-06-08 08:13:37.785 -0700  
OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.14.5 (18F132)  
Report Version:        12  
Anonymous UUID:        CB32DBDA-4F6E-4212-F810-C52C80FFD0CD 

Link to full error: https://pastebin.com/fFhcadtZ

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Bjorn Morrhaye Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 22:12

Bjorn Morrhaye

2 Answers

This should probably be a comment, not an answer, but I lack the reputation to do so. Here is the xcode developer who developed the minimap indicating that while the minimap indeed does require metal, xcode should not crash when metal is not available. Hopefully he implements a patch to fail gracefully in one of the next builds. As of right now, there is no workaround. The reply to the thread:

defaults write http://com.apple .dt.Xcode DVTTextShowMinimap -bool NO

does not prevent the crash, as mentioned there.

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DLAN Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 10:12


It is fixed in XCode 11 beta 2, available on developer.apple.com !!!

June 17 2019.

  1. You don't need MacOS Catalina, only Mojave 10.14.4 and up (current is 10.14.5).
  2. I used VMware on Windows to install Mojave and XCode beta 2.
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Dmitri Orlov Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 08:12

Dmitri Orlov