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XAMPP / WAMP / whatever it is: Apache is running super slow [closed]

People also ask

Which is faster XAMPP or WAMP?

XAMPP is more powerful and resource taking than WAMP. WAMP provides support for MySQL and PHP. XAMPP also has SSL feature while WAMP doesnt. If your applications need to deal with native web apps only, Go for WAMP.

Why Apache is not running in XAMPP?

Resolve Apache Port Conflicts If Apache cannot start, you won't be able to access your XAMPP dashboard or any sites you have installed on the platform. A port conflict may be the underlying problem. By default, Apache connects over port 80.

Why does localhost take so long to respond?

The 'taking too long to respond' error indicates that there is a communication problem between the target server and the client (your web browser). It means that the targeted server is taking a long time to send a response to the client. The error is usually sent if the client cannot get a response within 30 seconds.

Can I run WAMP and XAMPP at the same time?

If you want to run both XAMPP and WAMP together on the same machine but access only one of the servers at a time then you could go ahead installing both of them one after another.

Here's a solution that really worked for me.

One thing to try is changing the following two entries in apache/conf/httpd.conf from OFF to ON:

EnableMMAP on
EnableSendfile on

Also, enable and set realpath_cache_size= 4m to your php.ini file.

If your are using InnoDB database also enable and set in my.ini:

innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2

Finally, it seems it worked for some people: edit your host (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts) by adding localhost

And commenting:

\# ::1 localhost

Try to add this lines to hosts file: localhost

and comment this line:

# ::1 localhost

You can find hosts file under: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

Very slow is a very general problem, but it happened for me when I first installed IIS to run alongside apache, and also after I did a windows update (config was reset?)

Anyhow, what happened was that IIS started conflicting with Apache on port 443 (SSL) and so I had to use the follow command to disable SSL on IIS so that Apache would run fast again:

c:\inetpub\adminscripts\>adsutil set w3svc/1/securebindings "::"

Hope this helps.

edit: I also found that if I had ColdFusion installed and the service timed out during startup apache would run really slow. If you have ColdFusion installed, run services.msc and check to see if the main service is running. If that works, try adjusting your startup time ( http://www.ahphosting.net/support/Customer/KBArticle.aspx?articleid=23 ) so it will start automatically on the next reboot.

Oddly, the IP hosts/address change did the trick to me.

I'm on XP, and have had " localhost" in my hosts file forever.

Recently (maybe after some Windows updates, maybe after adding other application directories to my xampp htdocs, maybe after installing something else that conflicts with those ports?) pages - even simple HTML pages - started loading extremely slowly.

Merely commenting out the " localhost" line in my hosts file seems to have done the trick - now pages are loading consistently quickly.