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Xampp Access Forbidden php




I'm a windows user. I've been using xampp for quite a while but suddenly none of my .php files are working now! I get this error message:

Access forbidden!

You don't have permission to access the requested object. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.

Error 403

localhost Apache/2.4.4 (Win32) OpenSSL/0.9.8y PHP/5.4.16

I can see the list of my .php files in localhost/Practice (Practice is the folder where I've saved my files) The file even opens whenever I click on it. But when I click on any 'submit' button inside any of my files, it gives this error. Please help! I updated xampp from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 but still the same problem persists!

like image 948
NirAv JaIn Avatar asked Jul 23 '13 17:07

NirAv JaIn

People also ask

How do I fix access forbidden in xampp?

Although XAMPP error 403 can be annoying, it's easy to solve whether you're using Windows, macOS, or Linux. All you have to do is edit the XAMPP httpd-xampp. conf file to ensure that everyone has access to phpMyAdmin. Then the 403 error should disappear right away.

1 Answers

Try with this code below, add it in your virtual host config. Add this lines to httpd-vhosts.conf file:

<Directory "c:/<path-to-projects>/">         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews         AllowOverride all         Order Deny,Allow         Allow from all         Require all granted </Directory> 

I fixed the same issue by this way. Hope it helps.


after changes please test it in incognito because you redirected by cache

like image 139
Raphaël VO Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10

Raphaël VO