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XAML WebView binding to HTML source not working

I have a XAML page layout defined that includes a WebView populated from an HTML string:

<WebView HorizontalOptions="Fill" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
        <HtmlWebViewSource Html="{Binding Flag.Description}" />
<!--    <HtmlWebViewSource Html="&lt;html>&lt;body>&lt;p>The HTML string.&lt;/p>&lt;/body>&lt;/html>" />-->

When I hard code the string into the XAML it displays correctly, but it will not bind to the Flag.Description string. The XAML includes a couple of labels that bind correctly but I can't find any reason why the WebView source isn't binding correctly.

like image 656
David Clarke Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 07:12

David Clarke

1 Answers

I wasn't able to get the binding to work in XAML but there is a code-based solution to the problem. I'm using FreshMvvm so in the page model (not the code-behind for the XAML page) I created a new property that references the HTML string:

public HtmlWebViewSource WebViewSource
    get { 
        return new HtmlWebViewSource { Html = Flag.Description }; 

And the WebView element in the XAML page becomes:

    Source="{Binding WebViewSource}" />
like image 166
David Clarke Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 14:01

David Clarke