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Xamarin: Exceptions raised from tasks are not propagated

I have the following code in Xamarin (tested in ios):

private static async Task<string> TaskWithException()
    return await Task.Factory.StartNew (() => {
        throw new Exception ("Booo!");
        return "";

public static async Task<string> RunTask()
        return await TaskWithException ();
    catch(Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString());

Invoking this as await RunTask(), does throw the exception from the TaskWithException method, but the catch method in RunTask is never hit. Why is that? I would expect the catch to work just like in Microsoft's implementation of async/await. Am I missing something?

like image 488
madaboutcode Avatar asked Sep 08 '14 17:09


1 Answers

You cant await a method inside of a constructor, so thats why you can't catch the Exception.

To catch the Exception you must await the operation.

I have here two ways of calling an async method from the constructor:

1. ContinueWith solution

RunTask().ContinueWith((result) =>
    if (result.IsFaulted)
        var exp = result.Exception;

2. Xamarin Forms

Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
        await RunTask();    
    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString());

3. iOS

InvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
        await RunTask();    
    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine (ex.ToString());
like image 198
jzeferino Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 22:09
