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Xamarin Android F# update UI in async block

I'm new to Xamarin, and am trying to build a simple Android app with F#. I'm trying to load in data from a REST API with async, and then display it. I understand that interacting with the UI must be done on the MainThread, and that there is something along the lines of Activity.RunOnUiThread(). I've tried the following:

let onSearch args =
        let search = this.FindViewById<EditText>(Resource_Id.search)
        let searchResults = this.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource_Id.searchResults)

        button.Text <- search.Text
        async {
            let! results = recipeSearch.GetRecipes search.Text
            searchResults.Text <- results
        |> Async.Start

    button.Click.Add onSearch

Which throws the Exception about interacting with the UI elements in another thread. And this:

    let result = async {
                    let! results = recipeSearch.GetRecipes search.Text
                    return results
                |> Async.RunSynchronously
    searchResults.Text <- result

Defeats the purpose of doing it Async


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kaeedo Avatar asked Jun 10 '16 21:06


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1 Answers

Try this:

let onSearch args =
        let search = this.FindViewById<EditText>(Resource_Id.search)
        let searchResults = this.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource_Id.searchResults)

        button.Text <- search.Text
        async {
            let! results = recipeSearch.GetRecipes search.Text
            this.RunOnUiThread(fun () -> searchResults.Text <- results)
        |> Async.Start

    button.Click.Add onSearch
like image 92
jzeferino Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10
