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X-Forwarded-Proto https in frontend or backend (HAProxy)?




I have setup a HAProxy in front of my backend server application to enable HTTPS. I have read that I need to set X-Forward-Proto https.

In the haproxy.cfg file I have tried to do that in the frontend with:

frontend haproxy
  bind :8443 ssl crt frontend/server.pem
  reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
  default_backend my-backend

and that seems to make it work - e.g. I can both login to my backend server and navigate to the different pages. If I DON'T have the proto option I can only login but not navigate to any other pages.

Now I if add the option in the backend instead (removing it from the front end) with:

backend my-backend
  http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
  server my-backend

it also works, I can navigate the different pages in my backend server application.

So which is the correct way to do it? In the frontend or in the backend or does it not matter?

like image 929
u123 Avatar asked Aug 20 '18 10:08


People also ask

What is X forwarded for in HAProxy?

Since HAProxy works in reverse-proxy mode, the backend servers see its IP address as their client address. This is sometimes annoying when the client's IP address is expected in server logs. To solve this problem, the well-known HTTP header "X-Forwarded-For" may be added by HAProxy to all requests sent to the server.

What is frontend in HAProxy?

When HAProxy Enterprise is used as a reverse proxy in front of your backend servers, a frontend section defines the IP addresses and ports that clients can connect to. You may add as many frontend sections as needed to expose various websites or applications to the internet.

What is listen in HAProxy?

A listen section can be used to define a complete proxy with the functions of a frontend and backend combined. The listen section is well suited whenever you need to route traffic to a specific set of servers or for non-HTTP-related configurations such as TCP gateways.

1 Answers

It doesn't matter. When you have multiple backends, it usually makes sense to do this on the frontend.

You could also use http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto in the front-end, rather than using reqadd.

The req* directives are much older functionality than http-request so the latter is preferred, generally, but there's an important reason why you should prefer it, here and why you should be using set-header instead of add-header: you don't want the client to be able to forge headers that only the proxy should be injecting. For non-https front-ends, you should also http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto http so that there is no possibility of an incorrect upstream header. The add-header option, just like reqadd, does not remove any existing headers of the same name, while set-header does.

like image 133
Michael - sqlbot Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09

Michael - sqlbot