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wxPython for Python 3

Does wxPython have a version for Python 3?

If it does, where can I get it?

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Jijoy Avatar asked Apr 06 '09 09:04


People also ask

Does wxPython work with python3?

The wxPython 4 package is compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3. Note: On Mac OS X you will need a compiler installed such as XCode for the install to complete successfully. Linux may also require you to install some dependencies before the pip installer will work correctly.

Is wxPython supported by Python?

Python provides wxpython module which allows us to create high functional graphical user interface.

Is wxPython still in development?

Both wxPython, and the wxWidgets library it is built upon, are mature projects that are still more-or-less actively developed. wxPython's history started before the turn of the century, back in 1996.

How do you get wxPython?

wxPython can be installed through apt-get by calling apt-get install python-wxgtk2. 8 or apt-get install python-wxgtk2. 6, depending on which version you want. You may have to call this with root permissions.

2 Answers

Updated news on this question are being posted in the wxpython wiki. Here you can find everal edits updating the initial answer (first more recent)

December 2011: Great news ! First build of project Phoenix the new wxPython that will support both Python 2.x and 3.x. Current builds are however for python 2.7.

November 2011: Last Update of the wiki is from 19-April-2011. == No news for 3.x :-(

Tentative wxPython Roadmap

  • wxPython "Next Generation": (ongoing) There has been some discussions off and on over the past couple years about a whole new way to generate the code used for the wxPython extension modules (a.k.a the C++ wrapper code). There has been some design work done towards this goal, and a proof of concept has been implemented. In a nutshell the proof of concept has exceeded all my expectations and I feel that this will be an excellent way to automate much more of the generation of the wrapper code. More information about the goals and design of the new wxPython can be found at ProjectPhoenix, and the source code can be viewed in the wx repository. Although the new approach will make maintenance of wxPython much simpler in the future, it is still a lot of work to make the transition and so it will not become the highest priority task until more of the low-level foundational pieces are completed and verified. In the meantime the current 2.9.x ReleaseSeries will continue to progress using the old technology. #

  • Python 3.x support: (unknown) It is expected that some things being done for the Next Generation project will make it easier to be able to maintain support for both Python 2.x and 3.x in the same source tree, so I've been delaying putting much effort into a Python 3.x port in order to prevent wasting time on something that may end up getting thrown away once the NG switch is made. If that Next Generation project ends up being left on-hold for too long however then I'll probably revisit this item and move up the priority.

At this moment (Nov 2011) wxPython is, after Django, the most desired package for Python 3-coders:

Here are the 15 most often nominated packages where users desire Python 3 support

Package Number of Votes
Django 1970
wxPython 941
matplotlib 875

Jun 2010: There is not schedule for wxpython in py3k

Tentative wxPython Roadmap

  • wxPython "Next Generation": (future) There has been some discussions off and on over the past couple years about a whole new way to generate the code used for the wxPython extension modules (a.k.a the C++ wrapper code). There has been some design work done towards this goal, and the beginnings of some work on tools. However since work was progressing slowly on this I decided to put it on hold for a bit so I could get some of the new features and fixes in the 2.9 release series into the hands of the wxPython developers. I expect to be able to switch my focus back to this goal sometime after the 2.9.1 release. Once the design, plans and tools are complete enough I'll publish more information about it and open it up for other developers to lend a hand.
  • Python 2.7 support: (now) The Windows and OSX build machines have been updated with Python 2.7 and binaries for 2.7 were included with and will be included in future preview builds and releases.
  • Python 3.x support: (unknown) I'm hopeful that some things being done for the Next Generation project will make it easier to be able to maintain support for both Python 2.x and 3.x in the same source tree, so I've been delaying putting much effort into a Python 3.x port in order to prevent wasting time on something that may end up getting thrown away once the NG switch is made. If that Next Generation project ends up being left on-hold for too long however then I'll probably revisit this item and move up the priority.
like image 169
joaquin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


From the newsgroups:

  • Roadmap for python 3 and wxpython? (July 17 2009)
  • Timing of Python 3+ (Sept 4 2009)
  • wxWidgets and Python 3.1 (Nov 20 2009)
  • FAQ? When is wxPython ready for Python v3? (Feb 15 2010)

Note that PyQt now supports Python 3, so perhaps that's an option worth considering.

like image 33
Craig McQueen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Craig McQueen