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Wrong OG image when sharing to Facebook despite FB Debugger displaying correctly

I just added an OpenGraph image to a site I'm working on and using the FB Debugger the info retrieves the correct image, however when sharing the url I still see default images being displayed (there was no specified OG image before). Is there something I'm missing here? The site uses a custom Python based framework and image is served via gzip from an Amazon EC2 instance, if that would affect the output in any way.

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Staffan Estberg Avatar asked May 13 '15 05:05

Staffan Estberg

1 Answers

The problem is not with your website. Facebook takes some time to refresh images inside facebook.com even though you can see the changes on Facebook Debug Tool.

In order to view your new image inside Facebook you can do two things:

  1. Manipulate a little the URL you are trying to share, this way Facebook will fetch the open graph data again.
  2. Just give it some time, it will be refreshed after a few hours.
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Alex Kyriakidis Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Alex Kyriakidis