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Writing Universal memoization function in C++11

Looking for a way to implement a universal generic memoization function which will take a function and return the memoized version of the same?

Looking for something like @memo (from Norving's site)decorator in python.

def memo(f):     table = {}     def fmemo(*args):         if args not in table:             table[args] = f(*args)         return table[args]     fmemo.memo = table     return fmemo 

Going more general, is there a way to express generic and reusable decorators in C++, possibly using the new features of C++11?

like image 972
akrohit Avatar asked Jul 23 '13 09:07


People also ask

What is memoization function?

In programming, memoization is an optimization technique that makes applications more efficient and hence faster. It does this by storing computation results in cache, and retrieving that same information from the cache the next time it's needed instead of computing it again.

Can every function be Memoized?

A function can only be memoized if it is referentially transparent; that is, only if calling the function has exactly the same effect as replacing that function call with its return value.

What is memoization Python?

Memoization is a method used to store the results of previous function calls to speed up future calculations. If repeated function calls are made with the same parameters, we can store the previous values instead of repeating unnecessary calculations. This results in a significant speed up in calculations.

2 Answers

A compact one returning a lambda:

template <typename R, typename... Args> std::function<R (Args...)> memo(R (*fn)(Args...)) {     std::map<std::tuple<Args...>, R> table;     return [fn, table](Args... args) mutable -> R {         auto argt = std::make_tuple(args...);         auto memoized = table.find(argt);         if(memoized == table.end()) {             auto result = fn(args...);             table[argt] = result;             return result;         } else {             return memoized->second;         }     }; } 

In C++14, one can use generalized return type deduction to avoid the extra indirection imposed by returning std::function.

Making this fully general, permitting passing arbitrary function objects without wrapping them in std::function first is left as an exercise for the reader.

like image 135
JohannesD Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10


The right way to do memoization in C++ is to mix the Y-combinator in.

Your base function needs a modification. Instead of calling itself directly, it takes a templateized reference to itself as its first argument (or, a std::function<Same_Signature> recursion as its first argument).

We start with a Y-combinator. Then we add in a cache on the operator() and rename it to memoizer, and give it a fixed signature (for the table).

The only thing left is to write a tuple_hash<template<class...>class Hash> that does a hash on a tuple.

The type of the function that can be memoized is (((Args...)->R), Args...) -> R, which makes the memoizer of type ( (((Args...) -> R), Args...) -> R ) -> ((Args...) -> R). Having a Y-combinator around to produce a 'traditional' recursive implementation can also be useful.

Note that if the function memoized modifies its args during a call, the memoizer will cache the results in the wrong spot.

struct wrap {};  template<class Sig, class F, template<class...>class Hash=std::hash> struct memoizer; template<class R, class...Args, class F, template<class...>class Hash> struct memoizer<R(Args...), F, Hash> {   using base_type = F; private:   F base;   mutable std::unordered_map< std::tuple<std::decay_t<Args>...>, R, tuple_hash<Hash> > cache; public:      template<class... Ts>   R operator()(Ts&&... ts) const   {     auto args = std::make_tuple(ts...);     auto it = cache.find( args );     if (it != cache.end())       return it->second;      auto&& retval = base(*this, std::forward<Ts>(ts)...);      cache.emplace( std::move(args), retval );      return decltype(retval)(retval);   }   template<class... Ts>   R operator()(Ts&&... ts)   {     auto args = std::tie(ts...);     auto it = cache.find( args );     if (it != cache.end())       return it->second;      auto&& retval = base(*this, std::forward<Ts>(ts)...);      cache.emplace( std::move(args), retval );      return decltype(retval)(retval);   }    memoizer(memoizer const&)=default;   memoizer(memoizer&&)=default;   memoizer& operator=(memoizer const&)=default;   memoizer& operator=(memoizer&&)=default;   memoizer() = delete;   template<typename L>   memoizer( wrap, L&& f ):     base( std::forward<L>(f) )   {} };  template<class Sig, class F> memoizer<Sig, std::decay_t<F>> memoize( F&& f ) { return {wrap{}, std::forward<F>(f)}; } 

live example with a hard-coded hash function based off this SO post.

auto fib = memoize<size_t(size_t)>(   [](auto&& fib, size_t i)->size_t{     if (i<=1) return 1;     return fib(i-1)+fib(i-2);   } ); 
like image 32
Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10

Yakk - Adam Nevraumont