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Writing to the Windows Event Log using Delphi


How can my Delphi app easily write to the Windows Event Log?

What is the difference between TEventLogger and ReportEvent? How do I use the ReportEvent function?

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Kobus Smit Avatar asked May 14 '15 05:05

Kobus Smit

People also ask

How do I create a Windows event log?

To generate these logs, please follow the steps listed below: Open "Event Viewer" by clicking the "Start" button. Click "Control Panel" > "System and Security" > "Administrative Tools", and then double-click "Event Viewer" Click to expand "Windows Logs" in the left pane, and then select "Application".

What are the 3 types of logs available through the Event Viewer?

Types of Event Logs They are Information, Warning, Error, Success Audit (Security Log) and Failure Audit (Security Log).

Where does Eventlog WriteEntry write to?

The WriteEntry method writes the given string directly to the event log; it does not use a localizable message resource file. Use the WriteEvent method to write events using a localized message resource file.

How do I use Eventvwr?

Start Windows Event Viewer through the command lineTo open a command prompt, click Start , click All Programs , click Accessories and then click Command Prompt . As a shortcut you can press the Windows key + R to open a run window, type cmd to open a, command prompt window. Type eventvwr and click enter.

1 Answers

If you are writing a Windows Service and need to write to the local machine's Windows Event Log then you can call TService.LogMessage as mentioned here.

//TMyTestService = class(TService)  procedure TMyTestService.ServiceStart(Sender: TService; var Started: Boolean); begin   LogMessage('This is an error.');   LogMessage('This is another error.', EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE);   LogMessage('This is information.', EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE);   LogMessage('This is a warning.', EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE); end; 

For any other type of applications you can use the SvcMgr.TEventLogger undocumented helper class for TService to write the the local machine's Windows Event Log as mentioned here, here and here.

uses   SvcMgr;  procedure TForm1.EventLoggerExampleButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin   with TEventLogger.Create('My Test App Name') do   begin     try       LogMessage('This is an error.');       LogMessage('This is another error.', EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE);       LogMessage('This is information.', EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE);       LogMessage('This is a warning.', EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE);     finally       Free;     end;   end; end; 

You can also use the Windows API ReportEvent function as mentioned here and here.

I've created a simple class to make it easier, it is available on GitHub.

//----------------- EXAMPLE USAGE: ---------------------------------  uses   EventLog;  procedure TForm1.EventLogExampleButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin   TEventLog.Source := 'My Test App Name';    TEventLog.WriteError('This is an error.');   TEventLog.WriteInfo('This is information.');   TEventLog.WriteWarning('This is a warning.'); end;  //------------------------------------------------------------------  unit EventLog;  interface  type   TEventLog = class   private     class procedure CheckEventLogHandle;     class procedure Write(AEntryType: Word; AEventId: Cardinal; AMessage: string); static;   public     class var Source: string;     class destructor Destroy;      class procedure WriteInfo(AMessage: string); static;     class procedure WriteWarning(AMessage: string); static;     class procedure WriteError(AMessage: string); static;      class procedure AddEventSourceToRegistry; static;   end;  threadvar EventLogHandle: THandle;  implementation  uses Windows, Registry, SysUtils;  class destructor TEventLog.Destroy; begin   if EventLogHandle > 0 then   begin     DeregisterEventSource(EventLogHandle);   end; end;  class procedure TEventLog.WriteInfo(AMessage: string); begin   Write(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, 2, AMessage); end;  class procedure TEventLog.WriteWarning(AMessage: string); begin   Write(EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, 3, AMessage); end;  class procedure TEventLog.WriteError(AMessage: string); begin   Write(EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 4, AMessage); end;  class procedure TEventLog.CheckEventLogHandle; begin   if EventLogHandle = 0 then   begin    EventLogHandle := RegisterEventSource(nil, PChar(Source));   end;   if EventLogHandle <= 0 then   begin     raise Exception.Create('Could not obtain Event Log handle.');   end; end;  class procedure TEventLog.Write(AEntryType: Word; AEventId: Cardinal; AMessage: string); begin   CheckEventLogHandle;   ReportEvent(EventLogHandle, AEntryType, 0, AEventId, nil, 1, 0, @AMessage, nil); end;  // This requires admin rights. Typically called once-off during the application's installation class procedure TEventLog.AddEventSourceToRegistry; var   reg: TRegistry; begin   reg := TRegistry.Create;   try     reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;     if reg.OpenKey('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\' + Source, True) then     begin       reg.WriteString('EventMessageFile', ParamStr(0)); // The application exe's path       reg.WriteInteger('TypesSupported', 7);       reg.CloseKey;     end     else     begin       raise Exception.Create('Error updating the registry. This action requires administrative rights.');     end;   finally     reg.Free;   end; end;  initialization  TEventLog.Source := 'My Application Name';  end. 

ReportEvent supports writing a log entry to either a local or remote machine's Event Log. For a remote example see John Kaster's EDN article.

Note that you would also have to create a message file and register your event source otherwise all your log messages will be starting with something like this:

The description for Event ID xxx from source xxxx cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:

1, For more information on how to create a message file see Finn Tolderlund's tutorial or Michael Hex's article or you can use an existing MC and RES file included in the GitHub project.

2, Embed the RES file into your application by including the MessageFile.res in your DPR file. Alternatively you can create a dll for the messages.

program MyTestApp;  uses   Forms,   FormMain in 'FormMain.pas' {MainForm},   EventLog in 'EventLog.pas';  {$R *.res} {$R MessageFile\MessageFile.res}  begin   Application.Initialize; 

3, The once-off registration requires admin rights writing to the registry so it us usually done as part of your application's installation process.

//For example AddEventSourceToRegistry('My Application Name', ParamStr(0)); //or AddEventSourceToRegistry('My Application Name', 'C:\Program Files\MyApp\Messages.dll');  //--------------------------------------------------  procedure AddEventSourceToRegistry(ASource, AFilename: string); var   reg: TRegistry; begin   reg := TRegistry.Create;   try     reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;     if reg.OpenKey('\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\' + ASource, True) then     begin       reg.WriteString('EventMessageFile', AFilename);       reg.WriteInteger('TypesSupported', 7);       reg.CloseKey;     end     else     begin       raise Exception.Create('Error updating the registry. This action requires administrative rights.');     end;   finally     reg.Free;   end; end; 

If you have need Windows event logging and other logging requirements you can also use logging frameworks such as log4d and TraceTool

See here if you want to write to the Event Log window in the Delphi IDE.

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Kobus Smit Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Kobus Smit