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Writing to the end of a text file in python 3 [duplicate]




I'm currently working on a bit of code that requires me to keep records of the outcome. However, at the minute, the code I'm using only overwrites the document, rather than adding on. What can I write to add something to the end of a text document?

like image 575
user3341402 Avatar asked Dec 15 '14 15:12


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Closing a file in Python Python has a close() method to close a file. The close() method can be called more than once and if any operation is performed on a closed file it raises a ValueError. The below code shows a simple use of close() method to close an opened file.

1 Answers

open the file in append mode

open(filename, 'a')
like image 129
ch3ka Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 17:11
